Television licence - Wikipedia

May 20, 2019 Television licence - Wikipedia Apr 10, 2002 Who has to pay for a TV licence and why do we have it Jun 11, 2019

How to pay your TV licence and deal with fines or arrears UPDATE July 2020: Over-75s licence fee concession The BBC is to go ahead with a plan to end free TV licences for most over-75s, after a two-month delay because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyone who does not receive Pension Credit will have to pay for their TV licence for the period starting on 1 August 2020 but you do not have to do or pay anything until we write to you. If you pay with a TV Licensing payment card, you'll need to call 0300 555 0286. Then fill out the declaration. Anyone who no longer requires a TV licence – including those who pay in cash at certain shops or post offices, who don't need to do the above – can fill out a 'no licence needed' declaration form . A colour TV licence will set you back £145.50 while a black-and-white licence costs £49. If you want to pay for your licence all in one go, then the easiest way to do this is by annual Direct Debit, which means your TV licence is automatically renewed for you every year.

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Jun 22, 2020 · MILLIONS of pensioners are to be given a further TV licence fee reprieve. The BBC is to delay for the second time a scheme to scrap free licences for those aged over 75. It means up to 3.75 The requirement to hold a TV licence and to pay a fee for it is mandated by law under the Communications Act 2003 and Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended). The free TV licence for over-75s is set to expire except in some circumstances (Picture: Getty Images/Image Source) Over 3,000,000 over-75s will have to begin paying for their TV licences again Mar 16, 2020 · Do I need a TV licence and what does it pay for? 10 July 2020. BBC licence fee to rise by £3 from April . 3 February 2020. TV licences: Call for government and BBC to save free over-75s licences . No matter your age, there are always a few different payment options when it comes to arranging your TV Licence. If you pay all in one go, then the licence costs £157.50. However, you do have the option of breaking that payment, into smaller, more manageable chunks, though this may ultimately cost you more. An Post - An Post for postal, retail and financial services Annual payments may be made at PayPoint outlets (usually situated in shops) by cash or debit card. Monthly or weekly payments may also be made by holders of a TV Licensing payment card (see below) TV Licensing payment card. Holders of this card will have a payment plan showing when and how much they need to pay.