Jul 10, 2017 · The .NET Framework, Explained. The name “.NET Framework” itself is a bit of a misnomer. A framework (in programming terms) is really a collection of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and a shared library of code that developers can call when developing applications, so that they don’t have to write the code from scratch.

What does it really mean to target a framework, and how do The frameworks are designed to be backwards-compatible; if you have a program written in .NET 2.0, you can run it in the 4.0 runtime, because none of the frameworks ever remove functionality that a prior version had (which is why we still have the non-generic collections like ArrayList, even though they're deprecated in favor of generic collections). [Tutorial] How to install .Net Framework 4.8 on Windows Vista Dec 15, 2019 How to Check Which .NET Framework Version is Installed? Here are the steps to check the .NET framework version installed on your computer. Check Which .NET Framework Version is Installed. Right-click the Windows icon and then click Run. Write 'regedit' in the text box and then hit 'Enter' key on the keyboard. Expand the following key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full How to Check .NET Framework Version on Windows 10 [3

Mar 10, 2008

6 Ways to Check What Version of Microsoft .NET Framework

Windows 10 Tip: Install and Troubleshoot .NET Framework

For the version of the framework that is installed, it varies depending on which service packs and hotfixes you have installed. Take a look at this MSDN page for more details. May 09, 2019 · Microsoft designed the .NET Framework so that multiple versions of the framework can be installed and used at the same time. This means that there will be no conflict if multiple applications install different versions of the .NET framework on a single computer.