10 Tips to Prevent the Latest Computer Viruses in 2020. Below are the best web practices and tips to stay protected from recent computer viruses. Get a Powerful Antivirus. The best way to keep your PC safe for that uninterrupted computing experience is to get robust antivirus software. One of such antiviruses is ITL Total Security.

The 10 Worst Computer Viruses of All-Time The 10 Worst Computer Viruses of All-Time 1. Storm Worm. This is the worst virus and it was created in 2006. It got its name because the subject of the email 2. Leap-A/Oompa-A. This is the only virus on the list that specifically targets Mac computers. It was created in 2006. 3. Sasser and 5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever | TED-Ed Not all computer viruses are created equal. Michael Aranda from SciShow describes 5 of the worst computer viruses of all time and how exactly they became so powerful. 5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever – Technology is Now Mar 11, 2020 WATCH: These Are 5 of The Worst Computer Viruses Ever

Oct 21, 2016

Comparison of computer viruses - Wikipedia The compilation of a unified list of computer viruses is made difficult because of naming. To aid the fight against computer viruses and other types of malicious software, many security advisory organizations and developers of anti-virus software compile and publish lists of viruses. When a new virus appears, the rush begins to identify and understand it as well as develop appropriate counter

Boot viruses: This virus infects the hard disk’s or floppy drive’s boot sector. This would make the computer unable to boot. These viruses can, however, be avoided by ensuring that the floppy disks and hard drive is well protected. Never start the computer using an unknown disk drive or floppy disk.

5 Viruses That Are Scarier Than Ebola | Live Science Aug 14, 2014 Top 10 Worst all Time Computer Viruses - Cybers Guards