Enter the Base distinguished name (DN). When you set up GSPS for the first time, your Active Directory domain's default base DN is detected and added here. You can edit it, if necessary. If you're using GCDS, this setting is usually identical to the GCDS Base DN setting. Enter the Mail Attribute.

For Active Directory over LDAP the domains are listed and already selected. For Active Directory over Integrated Windows Authentication, select the domains that should be associated with this Active Directory connection. All the domains with a two-way trust relationship with the base domain are listed. Enter the Active Directory URL. Enter the Username and Password of the read-only user account Proofpoint will use to connect to your environment. Choose the Port that should be used to establish a connection (Port 636 is recommended). Enter the Base DN value to query your Active Directory forest. Choose What to Sync. Active Users; Disabled Accounts Base-DN (optional) Base DN of your Active Directory. Often the Base DN can be derived from the Active Directory domain name. For example, if the Active Directory domain name is company.local the Base DN usually is dc=company,dc=local. The Base DN can also be selected by clicking the button left of the text field if access to an Active Directory Microsoft LDAP Base DN using DSQUERY. In this tutorial I will walk you through how to use Microsoft’s DSQUERY to query or search your Active Directory (LDAP). DSQUERY is used to search on objects within Active Directory and provide you the location of exactly where that object is located. The location is also referred to as the BASE DN. Enter the proper base for the Active Directory in the "Base DN" attribute. Simply specifying the base suffix will not work in this attribute. For Active Directory, it would usually be the cn=Users plus base suffix. e.g.: for domain corp.cerberusllc.com: CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=cerberusllc,DC=com. or for local domain corp.cerberusllc.local: Step 4. Select Active Directory from the drop down menu for Directory Server Type. Step 5. Enter the details for Primary LDAP Server and Backup LDAP Server configuration. Step 6. Enter the Domain Name. Step 7. Enter the Groups directory as sub-tree from base DN. This is where the AD group which is created in the User Group here needs to reside May 19, 2020 · Prerequisites. Prerequisites necessary for Active Directory synchronization are as follows: Know your Active Directory domain controller hostname or IP address, the LDAP or LDAPS port for communicating with that server, the authentication type you plan to use, and the directory search base DN.

Chapter 7. LDAP authentication

LDAP Configuration Guide - Atlassian Documentation Oct 02, 2018

Beginning with Windows Server 2003, you can also use the dsadd.exe command-line utility to create Active Directory objects. To add a single user to Active Directory, simply type dsadd user UserDN at the command line, where UserDN refers to the distinguished name of the user object, such as cn=smith, dc=example, dc=com.

The Base DN setting specifies the root for searches in the Active Directory. Ideally, this should match the root of your domain. vScope will only be able to find AD objects under that root. For example, in the screenshot above, the domain name is ISL.local. To convert this into a setting for Base DN – simply split it as follows with commas: How to obtain the Base DN or Bind DN Attributes from