All the latest breaking news on national security. Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on national security.

Britain's place in the world - A National Security Oct 18, 2010 UK banking giants back China's Hong Kong security law Jun 04, 2020 Threats to UK National Security | CPNI | Public Website The main threats to national security are terrorism, espionage, cyber threats and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, many of which impact on the UK’s national infrastructure. National infrastructure sectors represent core strategic interests for foreign intelligence services, whose targeting against the sectors is likely to include espionage for economic, political, military


Jul 24, 2020 About us - National security and intelligence - GOV.UK Responsibilities. The National Security Secretariat is responsible for: providing policy advice to the National Security Council, where ministers discuss national security issues at a strategic The National Security Strategic Investment Fund - British

Jul 20, 2020 · We have been clear regarding the new national security law, which China has imposed on the people of Hong Kong. A clear and serious violation of the U.K.-China joint declaration and with it a

Jul 21, 2020 · The U.K. report also says British authorities were slow to react to the possibility of hacking and should have acted after the hacking of the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Britain announced it would suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong in an escalation of a dispute with China over the introduction of a national security law for the former British colony.