Jan 25, 2008

May 12, 2013 What Do We Know About Movie & TV Piracy Trends in Canada Oct 09, 2019 Intuit Canada: Legal | Addressing Piracy of our Products Piracy is not just a concern for software publishers; it also affects consumers and the economy as a whole. Both the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) estimate that up to 40 percent of installed business software worldwide, and 23 percent in the U.S., is illegally copied. Software theft and its related effects -- including lost jobs Online Piracy in Numbers - Facts and Statistics [Infographic] Nov 01, 2011

DGA Quarterly Magazine | Spring 2010 | Internet Theft

Piracy is not just a concern for software publishers; it also affects consumers and the economy as a whole. Both the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) estimate that up to 40 percent of installed business software worldwide, and 23 percent in the U.S., is illegally copied. Software theft and its related effects -- including lost jobs Online Piracy in Numbers - Facts and Statistics [Infographic]

Marine Piracy | Kidnap and Ransom Insurance | CFC Underwriting

What will happen if the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill