Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security by running wf.msc.On the left, select Inbound Rules, then under the Action menu, choose New Rule. On the Rule Type page, choose Custom.; On Program, choose "All programs."; On Protocol and Ports, leave the default of Any.; On Scope, select "These IP addresses" in the remote addresses section and add the problematic IP address in the Add dialog.

How to Block Websites Using the Hosts File in Windows 10. Every Windows version comes with a special Hosts file which helps resolving DNS records.In addition to your network configuration, the file can be used to define a domain=IP address pairing which will have priority above the value provided by the DNS server. How to Block Website IP Address in Windows Defender Firewall? Also, you can block some websites using the built-in Windows Defender Firewall. The main disadvantage of this method is that you won’t be able to use the name of a domain or a website URL in the blocking rule. Apr 05, 2020 · Windows 10 Windows Defender Firewall New Inbound Rule Wizard. Learn how to block IP address using Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10.With this tutorial, you’ll be able to block a single or specific IP address, or a range of IP addresses at once using Windows Defender Firewall. Jul 01, 2020 · This file contains MSFT Public IP Address blocks. Updates will only occur when the list changes so please check the Data Published date.

In Windows 10, Windows Firewall is based completely on the Windows Filtering Platform API and has IPsec integrated with it. This is true since Windows Vista where the firewall added outbound connection blocking and also comes with an advanced Control Panel called Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.

How to Block an IP Address | | Blog May 23, 2019

Windows Firewall Block IP Address / Blacklist - YouTube

How to Add IP Address in Windows Firewall . According to your needs, you can configure Windows Firewall settings to add IP addresses in Windows with the Windows Firewall settings. You can follow the below steps to add IP address in Windows Firewall. 1) On the Start menu, Click ‘Windows Firewall with Advanced Security’.